Case Study
Talent assessment and development
Global manufacturer
This USA based organisation has a strong reputation for identifying talent for succession planning and leadership development. In the wake of the GFC however, they were running with a lean corporate HR team and needed external assistance to identify people who would benefit most from a global leadership program in the Asia Pacific region.
Using the organisation’s own leadership skills model, LDN tailored an assessment approach to ensure that participants were able to identify their key development needs in the context of the program’s learning objectives.
Fourteen senior managers were identified for the leadership program and participated in three assessments – a 360-degree competency survey, a work-related personality inventory and a learning agility evaluation.
An experienced LDN coach then debriefed each of the participants on the results of each of the surveys and, on a confidential basis, discussed their career ambitions and preferences with them.
Each participant consented to a summary of their results being provided to the HR director and the Managing Director for career development purposes including the learning agility evaluation, which offered added insight into the potential of participants to grow into future roles.
The organisation was able to complete its Asia Pacific leadership assessment and development program within the global schedule and to have the data which readily allowed meaningful conversations about succession management.Additionally, participants in the process had access to sound career management coaching that enabled them to carefully consider their options and influence outcomes.